Bridge: No Internet Connection

i just bought a Smartlock 2.0 and a bridge in combo package. It seems that i got an older model of the bridge. Its impossible to connect the bridge to the internet. I tried several routers, wifi connection is established but always no internet.

here is the info: {“bridgeType”: 1, “ids”: {“hardwareId”: 313228385, “serverId”: 0}, “versions”: {“firmwareVersion”: “1.10.0”, “wifiFirmwareVersion”: “1.1.0”}, “uptime”: 1083, “currentTime”: null, “serverConnected”: false, “scanResults”: }

here the log: {“timestamp”: null, “type”: “HTTP-Log”},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-SocketConnected”, “connection”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 0, “pingTo”: 1451607715},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 1, “pingTo”: 1451607594},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 1},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-SocketDisconnected”, “connection”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “HTTP-Info”},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-SocketConnected”, “connection”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 0, “pingTo”: 1451607473},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 1, “pingTo”: 1451607457},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 1},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 0, “pingTo”: 1451607441},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-Connected”, “ipAddr”: “”, “dhcp”: 1},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-Connected”},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-Connect”},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-Init”},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-SocketDisconnected”, “connection”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “HTTP-List”},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-SocketConnected”, “connection”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 1, “pingTo”: 1451607299},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 1},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 0, “pingTo”: 1451607178},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “SSE-Connect”, “serverNum”: 0},
{“timestamp”: null, “type”: “WLAN-SocketDisconnected”, “connection”: 0},

how to get the newest firmware to (maybe) fix the problem without internet?

Please contact customer support. → and send them the same logs that you posted here.

I bought the combo-package at Hornbach and replaced it today with a new one (from Hornbach) because the bridge did not work (see first posting). Now i got a Bridge with FW 2.1.22, so new version i think.
Bridge is still not usable because of the well known http 503 error (Random "HTTP 503 Unavailable")

FW update is not done yet by the bridge… How long does is take normally?

Between 1h to 24h.

It took more than 40 hours for the bridge to update - but now its fw 2.4.8 and api works pretty fine. But i am very sure that smart home or alarm system integration for non-developers is impossible if they get an old version of the bridge!