When calling https://api.nuki.io/discover/bridges it returns {“bridges”:[],“errorCode”:0}, although a Nuki bridge is active at the same public IP. We have a static puclic IP.
Only when restarting the bridge the discovery URL returns valid data for a time between a few minutes until a few hours. At the latest the next day the response is empty again.
This is not a known problem so could be something connected to your local network setup. Could it be, that the Bridge can only connect to our server once (because the list will return all devices from the network connected in the last 24 hours) and is then blocked for some reason?
After resetting the bridge to factory defaults and starting all over, the problem seems to be gone. We will observe it a while.
As we have finished the Nuki integration into our smart home central, we really would like to see our product added into your integrations category on your web page. How could we proceed?
I’ve actually noticed the same thing recently. Even though the bridge is working and I can control it over the internet, right now the discovery API returns {"bridges":[],"errorCode":0}. Connecting to the bridge and restarting it will fix it for a while.