BIG IMPROVEMENT: App latency too high

Steps to reproduce with iOS 17:

I open the app, in front of the opener and nuki.
I swipe to open BEFORE the status of the opener (or nuki) comes “online” so, when I do that, the app keeps me with blinking ring for about 15-20 seconds before opening the opening action.

But if before this 20 seconds I close the app and open again, then I’ll be able to open the door immediately.

Both the opener and the door have got “fast” search parameter enabled in battery menu.

What’s happening on the app? Why it is acting like this?

Also, if during this 20 seconds I pulse the fob, the door opens BEFORE the app itself. So, very weird.

Can we enhance this?


@Roberto_Innaimi to get more details about your observations, I like to ask you to perform your steps again while recording your screen on your phone and send us your logs via Help → Contact customer support with the attached video.
Please add a note to forward the request to me. Thank you in advance!

No entiendo muy bien lo que desea hacer pero si lo que desea es que la puerta se abra, no desbloquear, cuando llega a ella yo lo que tengo configurado es:
Entrar en la utilidad Smart Lock, en “Tus Acciones” hacia la zona inferior, entrar en Auto Unlock, en la zona inferior debajo del gráfico de Geocerca subiendo un poco la pantalla hacia arriba, en mi iPhone no entra todo, está “Ajustes expertos”, hacia abajo en “Dispositivo Encontrado” selecciono Abrir la Puerta.
Antes unas veces abría, otras sólo desbloqueaba, un lío