Battery history (graph value in Mobile APP and/web) with change/reload prediction

Product name

For which NUKI product do you want to submit a feature request?
SmartLock 2.x and 3.x


Quick summary what this request is about.


Detailed description of desired features.
Provide a graph history of battery state. After few week’s we can predict the right time to change/reload the battery. Prediction will be useful in case of smartlock installed on remote location.


Why is this feature needed?

To known when change/reload the battery


How would you like to use this feature?
List all usecases you can think of!

That will be useful to understand usage of battery and when change/reload to avoid low battery problem.
If you are far far away from smartlock location you can reload/change battery before 20% to be sure to always keep smartlock usable.


Great idea!!