Assigning a fixed IP address instead of DHCP

Product name

Smart Lock 3.0 Pro


Possibility to select a fixed IP address instead of DHCP when setting up WLAN.


Detailed description of desired features.


Integration into a local Network topology.
A fixed IP address, in conjunction with security-related measures such as firewall rules and intrusion detection, can help prevent unauthorized access to your smart lock. You can make precise settings to control communication.


Assignment of a fixed IP address that meets the requirements of your own network


I think that the best place to set the fixed IP addresses would be in your Wi-Fi router (DHCP section). This way you’ll have all assigned fixed IP addresses in a single place.


Hi Marco,

but that doesn’t solve my problem that I want to give each device on my network a specific IP address.

Hi @Markus7,

DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and it’s within DHCP that you can configure, among other things, the IP address of you device, the DNS that your devices will use, and some more (I don’t remember which ones since I don’t use more than that).

Having your fixed IP addresses set in a single place has, IMHO, numerous advantages, as centralised management, single place where you can check the IP address of a device and, I think it’s also important, assign a name to each device to be used inside of your local network.

For example, I have my Hubitat hubs with fixed addresses and each has a unique name. Instead of using their IP addresses to connect to them, I use a short name, e.g., h1 for the main hub and h2 for the backup one.

So, instead of going for each device and setting a fixed IP address (some can event don’t give you this option) and keeping tab of the used IPs, you can just set it in a single place.

At your Wi-Fi router you can specify a fixed IP address for each device that you want to. My router, an ASUS with Asus-WRT firmware, has space for 64 such fixed addresses.

And, in my case, since I have all my devices with fixed IP addresses assigned, I can easily identify devices that don’t belong to my network, as a possible hacker neighbour …

So, I strongly suggest that you use your router DHCP configuration and assign the fixed IPs there.


Hallo zusammen,

bei mir existiert das Szenario, dass ich eine PV Anlage mit Notstrom besitze. An diesem Notstrom ist ein Switch, ein Access-Point und die “elektrische” Haustür angeschlossen. Im Falle eines Stromausfalls wäre meine FritzBox davon betroffen, sodass hier kein DHCP mehr möglich ist. Wobei ich über den Accesspoint (der per Notstrom angebunden ist) noch auf das SmartLock Pro zugreifen kann.
Daher auch von meiner Seite: bitte die Möglichkeit für eine statische IP Adresse einbauen.
Viele GrĂĽĂźe

Hello all,

I have the scenario that I have a PV system with emergency power. A switch, an access point and the “electric” front door are connected to this emergency power. In the event of a power failure, my FritzBox would be affected, so that DHCP is no longer possible here. However, I can still access the SmartLock Pro via the access point (which is connected via emergency power).
Therefore, also from my side: please include the possibility for a static IP address.
Thank you.
Many greetings


I disagree @MarcoFelicio

having another device managing the ip address means having additional point of failure.

If the dhcp router goes down and we dont know nuki’s ip then it would be PITA working offline with nuki.

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However, if your router goes down, your network is dead - no Nuki, no internet, chaos will reign, absolute - no Netflix!!! :tired_face:

Jokes apart, obviously, for each choice there are risks, advantages and disadvantages.

In my case, I have a visceral hate - yes, hate - for handling things granularly. I love making the computers work for me - that’s why I started in my profession (IT) almost 50 years ago.

I know that if my router goes down I can be in trouble, that’s why I have regular backups of its configuration.


I support this request - static ip addresses in a smart home network with 50 to 100 devices would help administration.


No real use case for me but I seen no reason why we shouldn’t give users the option.

For instance, the place where I work sometimes uses same VLANs on sites for different networks, having different gateways on it with a DHCP server offering leases for only one of them.

I know this is an ugly design (really, it is.) but in this case it was put in place for “convenience” to take in charge legacy free of work (two merging companies 30k folks).

So in that case we couldn’t easily keep using any of the Nuki stuff in case we want to keep legacy IP up because of static ips not being accessible.

(Also, some users don’t like DHCP for their own small network. Who are we to judge them? :wink: )

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All my 150+ IP devices have a fixed ip. all - but the nuki lock and the atag heating.
please add fixed IP!