API bug: Updating or deleting of auth entry (keypad pin) fails

I got to API bug that is reproducible from API as well as from https://web.nuki.io
Some keypad auth codes can’t be deleted or updated.

Trying with curl:
curl -X DELETE https://api.nuki.io/smartlock/auth -H "authorization: Bearer <removed>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ "<removed>" ]"
it returns success (code 204), but the code is not deleted

When trying same on web:
(device is fully synced)

Trying to delete

I get error:

Similar for editing:

However, when I add some other access code:

suddenly I can freely update or delete original entry or the new entry.

What’s the deal? Have I found a bug that last single entry can’t be updated or deleted?

Hello @mice777,

unfortunately, we are currently experiencing degraded performance as stated here:

The status page will be updated once the issue has been resolved.
Sorry for the intermediate inconvenience caused.

This has nothing to do with actual degraded performance, this is reproducible problem even in stable conditions.

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Thanks for the information which our team is going to validate and follow-up here.

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I would like to request further information, could you please send me in private mail your Nuki Web account email address and the smartlockId to which your keypad is connected. Thank you!

Well, I can’t repeat it anymore.
Today I moved Nuki bridge closer to all my locks, and connected to stronger WiFi.
Now all my pins can be edited and deleted.
So today it works as expected, and hopefully it will remain so.

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