Actviate Auto Unlock via Web/Bridge API

Product name

Nuki Smart Lock


Trigger Auto Unlock via any API


Having the ability to control AutoUnlock via API. This will omit the need of leaving the Geofence to active Auto Unlock. The API call could then be invoked by an external button or sensor.
Another option would be that the button on the lock could be configured to active AutoUnlock after a certain time period (to give the user the possibility to leave BT range)


Use case is being out of the apartment for a short time and short distance, e.g. collecting the laundry in the basement or bringing out the trash.


see above: press any button (external zigbee button or the button on the lock) to invok AutoUnlock after a given delay (e.g. 20 seconds). You can leave the apartment with your phone, bring out the trash and the door opens when you return.