This topic contains discussions about the MQTT API which was developed together with early adopters here in the forum and made available from firmware 3.5.x for Smart Lock 3.0 Pro and for all Smart Lock 4th Generation devices.
Goal of this category:
Discussions around the usage of the MQTT API which utilizes the popular MQTT protocol in order to allow an easy integration of Nuki devices into local smart home hubs.
Latest version of the MQTT API documentation:
20240730 MQTT API 1.5.pdf (156.4 KB)
Non-goals of the MQTT API:
- Connecting to remote MQTT servers
- Substitute the connection to Nuki servers (Firmware update, Time update, Remote access)
Terms of Use
Thank you for using one of NUKI’s Application Programming Interfaces. By accessing or using our APIs, you are agreeing to Nuki The Smart Lock