SPARE SHOP - Motor replacement

Product name

NUKI SMART LOCK - all versions


Please provide customers ability of purchasing motors such as KF030 and KF130 manufactured by Kayser Electric GmbH.


Spare parts shop - - please provide ability of ordering motors.


Typically motor responsible for clutch mechanism fails. Nuki doest’t provide ability of repairing smart locks bricked by this failure.
Additionally Kayser Electric GmbH isn’t allowed to sell motors to anyone else than Nuki.
Please help us trully staying green and stop producing electronic waste.


I would like to be able to order actual spare parts other than accessories.

Please! Motor replacement - #18 by wolverinehh

here to say that providing spare parts are an absolute must. Especially as i always thought of nuki of an innovative company. Especially as a lock is sort of a household item like an oven where spare parts are normally available.

  • The motors are proprietary parts not available anywhere else. Now I have to improvise, buy parts from aliexpress and hope the quality is ok. Not a good experience.

The logistics are not the problem here… I think offering spare parts in the ifixit store where more and more manufacturers caring about the environmental impact of keeping products running would be an easier route to go.

All in all not great and so I will not buy a new nuki after mine has broken after 3 years.