Smart Lock (4th generation) NOT PRO, NUKI Bridge Lost Connection Wifi and Bluetooth

I have Smart Lock (4th generation) NOT PRO and NUKI Bridge connected.
Smart Lock firmware: 2.4.8
Bridge Firmware: 2.17.0 and WIFI 2.4.0.

Both devices are too close together, less than 1 meter apart, for bluetooth. And the Wifi will be 8 meters but the WIFI range is good because, mobiles can reach further without problems.

From the mobile the Nuki App says that they are paired and, there is Wifi connection to my router.
But it often loses communication via bluetooth and sometimes via Wifi. One communication or the other, I can’t open or close the door via Nuki.
I am using Home Assistant with NUKI LOCK (HACS v0.5.2) where it warns me when it loses communication and that is when I look at the Bridge log with http://ip:puerto/log?count=80000&token=xxxxx.

********* Log WIFI *********

“type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 6},
“type”: “WLAN-Disconnected”},
“type”: “SSE-Connected”, “serverNum”: 6},
“type”: “WLAN-Connected”, “ipAddr”: “”},
“type”: “WLAN-Disconnected”},
“type”: “SSE-Disconnected”, “serverNum”: 5},

********* Log BLE *********
“type”: “BLE-Disconnected”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bleHandle”: “0001”},
“type”: “BLE-Disconnect”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bleHandle”: “0001”},
“type”: “BLE-ConnectionTimeout”},
“type”: “BLE-CommandComplete”, “pairIndex”: 0},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerResponse”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 205},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerResponse”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 273},
“type”: “BLE-AlreadyConnected”, “pairIndex”: 0},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerRequest”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 96},
“type”: “BLE-CommandComplete”, “pairIndex”: 0},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerResponse”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 245},
“type”: “BLE-AlreadyConnected”, “pairIndex”: 0},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerRequest”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 56},
“type”: “BLE-CommandComplete”, “pairIndex”: 0},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerResponse”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 237},
“type”: “BLE-AlreadyConnected”, “pairIndex”: 0},
“type”: “SSE-KeyturnerRequest”, “pairIndex”: 0, “bytes”: 56},

well this modem not good… do you hav emesh network like me
asus … had the bridge also working without error
now without bridge and matter connected my mesh point is abouth 6 meters working also without any problems
so suggest you connect with matter and buy the key from nuki 49 euro I paid and disconnected the bridge


did you ever get an answer? My bridge lost the bluetooth connection to the lock even though its just 2 meter away from the lock.

Support did not come back to me, hotline keeps me already ages in the waiting queue and I urgently need to remotely open the door.

Maybe I should have saved the expenses for the lock and invested in a 20 Euro Key Safe?

Why do we have a forum if posts are not answered? Is there anyone at home?

Because - as written in the forum guidelines - this is not a customer support but a developer and beta tester forum. You won’t get individual support here.

Instead of wasting time to censor this forum please just get your problems solved and get rid of me and yes, thank you for the deleting it that quick as like that it happened before I stopped recording. Its a great video.

Besides that the discussion was already moved to a public forum. So no worries. I will continue there as you prefer it.

@Stefan_E As previously mentioned, please keep this forum clean as it’s a developer forum.
We already have a direct communication channel open with you to resolve your individual situation.
Thank you.

As I communicated many times. We are now going into day 5 of the problem and I have no definite answer WHEN the problem will be solved. Not even approx.

Besides that YOU DID NOT answer my questions in the “direct communication channel”.

I would not use this forum if support and communication would work

To avoid x- and double posting please refer to this thread for further information and updates regarding this issue:

This thread will be closed.