Random "HTTP 503 Unavailable"

Switching to danalock Z-Wave, Nuki API is unreliable with these random 503 errors.

Could the Nuki folks please do a feature freeze and solve the current problems first?
The Nuki Bridge “HTTP 503 unavailable problem” is not solved for a long time!

The problem discussed in this thread has been solved long time ago.

The reason why there still are and ever will be 503 “errors” is because of the limitation of the bridge to be able to handle only one request at a time. If a second request is sent while another one is still in progress, the bridge returns an error 503. I.e. an integration needs to take care of this and serialize requests.

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I view this as a design error.
The bridge should be able to handle more than one request at a time.
One can not serialize requests from say google assistant and a home automation server.
The integration can not influence the google assistant requests.

Just want to note, that I created the initial homebridge plugin integration and you can definetly serialize the requests and/or handle the 503 very well :wink:

I’m impressed!
Could you share how to serialize requests from your smartphone app which accesses the bridge via the cloud and the homebridge?



The handling is in the homebridgeplugin, no custom app involved. See here, it is open source: GitHub - benzman81/homebridge-nukiio: Nuki.io support for Homebridge: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge

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My problem (see also #238038 in your support ticketing) is not solely serializing, but it seems to worsen with higher version numbers.
I’m using Smartlock since kickstarter-times and I use the bridge for my ekey-fingerprint sensor. If it recognizes a valid finger, it would send a corresponding /lockaction. After it proved to be unreliable I added some loops after each 503 to wait for 500ms and try again → sometimes it loops 5 times (my limit) and gives up accordingly.
And this is, while I never send API-Calls in parallel - but my experience is, if I go near my door, the smartphone tries to connect with the SmartLock and/or Bridge somehow and this takes a loooot of time. So:

  1. I approach my door
  2. smartphone tries to connect and uses some long connection with the API
    (even! if I don’t use Smart Actions, as they’re even more unreliable)
  3. during that, no API-Call goes through (for sometimes > 2.5 seconds at least)

The Bridge is about 1,5m away from the door and has good WiFi. But: log says it disconnects frequently from both WiFi and Bluetooth.