Hello, i’m trying to connect my nuki smartlock 3.0 pro (without bridge) via the web api to my loxone smart open. i only need 2 commands, open and close (unlock or lock).
in Loxone i c’ant use cURL commands but only http commands.
when following this doc: https://developer.nuki.io/page/nuki-web-api-1-4/3/#heading–caling-url and testing i get this message:
{"detailMessage":"Your access token is not authorized","stackTrace":[],"suppressedExceptions":[]}
This is some authput from te swagger test, it can c the state , lock id , location and all.
"smartlockId": id,
"accountId": id,
"type": 4,
"lmType": 0,
"authId": id,
"name": "name",
"favorite": false,
"config": {
"name": "mydoor name",
"latitude": ,
"longitude": ,
"autoUnlatch": true,
"liftUpHandle": false,
"pairingEnabled": true,
"buttonEnabled": true,
"ledEnabled": true,
"ledBrightness": 1,
"timezoneOffset": 0,
"daylightSavingMode": 0,
"fobPaired": false,
"fobAction1": 4,
"fobAction2": 1,
"fobAction3": 2,
"singleLock": false,
"advertisingMode": 0,
"keypadPaired": false,
"homekitState": 2,
"timezoneId": 37,
"deviceType": 4,
"wifiEnabled": true
"advancedConfig": {
"totalDegrees": 932,
"singleLockedPositionOffsetDegrees": 0,
"unlockedToLockedTransitionOffsetDegrees": 0,
"unlockedPositionOffsetDegrees": 0,
"lockedPositionOffsetDegrees": 0,
"detachedCylinder": false,
"batteryType": 1,
"autoLock": false,
"autoLockTimeout": 300,
"autoUpdateEnabled": true,
"lngTimeout": 20,
"singleButtonPressAction": 1,
"doubleButtonPressAction": 5,
"automaticBatteryTypeDetection": true,
"unlatchDuration": 3
"state": {
"mode": 2,
"state": 1,
"trigger": 0,
"lastAction": 2,
"batteryCritical": false,
"batteryCharging": false,
"batteryCharge": 92,
"keypadBatteryCritical": false,
"doorsensorBatteryCritical": false,
"doorState": 0,
"ringToOpenTimer": 0,
"nightMode": false
"firmwareVersion": 197381,
"hardwareVersion": 522,
"serverState": 0,
"adminPinState": 0,
"virtualDevice": false,
"creationDate": "2022-06-30T18:05:30.708Z",
"updateDate": "2022-07-02T19:34:15.875Z"
Can anyone help me to find what the issue is and has experiance with the nuki web api integration in loxone?
kind regards