Non standard MQTT ports are currently not supported. If you run a mosquitto server it should be relatively easy do add an additional listener on port 1883 through mosquitto.conf
I honestly cannot believe this it is a really basic feature to be able to decide the port.
It makes impossible to configure on hardware (like ihost) where the port 1883/tcp is used for internally things.
Any idea if you’re going to allow us to use any port we need in the future?
Or it’s using the port for other stuff as is a really common port.
That’s the main reason is something configurable in a lot of softwares. I hope you add to the roadmap in the future, this is sad for an expensive product.
Another interesting do you only support ipaddresses and not dynamic dns like tplinkdns right? another thing that I don’t understand.
No custom port
No custom dynamic dns (like duckdns, tplinkdns etc…) instead of ip