This is connected to the bus entries, and when configuring it the intercom requires that the speaker button is press before open, but during the setup is it asked to press the button, but the Opener does not detect it and returns the following page:
I tried both variants of the bus cables but neither option works (the alternative one makes the intercom device unresponsive due to polarity not matching). The connection seems to be correct given the Koch’s schematics
This problem does not seem to be unique (other forum entry. Is there any option to collect logs or messages that the Nuki Opener device is collecting and send it back to Nuki so it can be debug and fixed this error? I would be happy to help on having this issue fix. If more information about my device is required don’t hesitate to contact me through email.
Our intercom seems to be quite old (from before 2010). Could it be that the Nuki implementation is based on a newer version of the Koch’s TC:Bus protocol.