Hi Henry,
We’re regularly advertising an iBeacon with the UUID of our keyturner service.
The iBeacon also contains 4 bytes for major/minor (which are filled with the nuki id in our case) and the rssi value.
There comes the magic.
Normally, the rssi value within the iBeacon data is -60 (0xC4).
If the status of the smart lock changes in any way, that would trigger a new entry in the activity log, the rssi value within the iBeacon changes to -59 (0xC5) and that triggers the bridge.
Once the bridge has connected to the smart lock and fetched the new status, the rssi value changes back to -60.
The other advertisement (with the counter) you found is HomeKit specific advertisement (defined by apple) and only changes, if the lock status (locked/unlocked) changes.